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Colony PCR: A Reliable Technique for Amplifying Genetic Sequences

Molecular cloning lets researchers change DNA by putting new sequences into bacteria.1 Searching through many colonies to find the right one is often slow...

Molecular Biology

Colony PCR: A Reliable Technique for Amplifying Genetic Sequences

Molecular cloning lets researchers change DNA by putting new sequences into bacteria.1 Searching through many colonies to find the right one is often slow...

Non Allelic Homologous Recombination: A Comprehensive Guide

Non allelic homologous recombination is a process that occurs during meiosis and leads to genetic diversity. It involves the exchange of genetic material between non-allelic homologous chromosomes.



Colony PCR: A Reliable Technique for Amplifying Genetic Sequences

Molecular cloning lets researchers change DNA by putting new sequences into bacteria.1 Searching through many colonies to find the right one is often slow...

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Cell Biology


Non Allelic Homologous Recombination: A Comprehensive Guide

Non allelic homologous recombination is a process that occurs during meiosis and leads to genetic diversity. It involves the exchange of genetic material between non-allelic homologous chromosomes.


Medical Biology: Everything You Need to Know

What is Medical Biology? Medical biology is a specialized field that merges the principles of biology with medical science to understand, diagnose, and treat diseases....

Pfu DNA Polymerase: Highly Accurate and Reliable Enzyme

Pfu DNA Polymerase comes from the super hot archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. Family B, it's really good at making DNA without mistakes.1 This enzyme is...

Understanding the Lactose Operon in E.coli

Welcome to our exploration of the fascinating world of the lactose operon in E.coli and its crucial role in gene regulation. The lactose operon,...

Understanding the Urea Cycle: The Body’s Waste Management System

Introduction The human body is a marvel of biological engineering, with intricate systems working tirelessly to maintain balance and health. One such system is the...

Current topics in cancer research in 2024

From deciphering the molecular underpinnings of tumorigenesis to harnessing the power of the immune system against cancer, the field of oncology is witnessing unprecedented...
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Molecular cloning lets researchers change DNA by putting new sequences into bacteria.1 Searching through many colonies to find the right one is often slow...



Molecular Biology


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